Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Worked out I actually had no food in my fridge or cupboards, so first up a trip to the supermarket was in order. This time I ventured to a big Tesco's to see what they had. Again spent a long time looking at labels, Tescos do label a lot of their own brand food as vegan (if it is), but not everything, so it was a lot of guessing on my part. I daresay I've probably bought something that isn't vegan, but I did my best!
(haven't included fruits and veg in my pictures as I'm pretty sure I got that right!)
I was quite excited to find jelly sweets as I have a massive sweet tooth and was worried I wouldn't find any.

Tesco pasta sauce, no V label but its just tomatoes right?

Mmmm sausages! And Jammie Dodgers.

Jelly sweets for my diabetes

I also found quite a few yogurts and cheese-like products in the 'free from' section which I will definitely have to try out at some point. I got all excited when I found some muffins, then realised they were only free from gluten, not egg or milk. Sad times.

Breakfast: Porridge (made with water) and strawberry jam
Lunch: Crackers, 9bar, banana
Dinner: Vegan nut burger thing I randomly found in the bottom of my freezer ...and sweets (hey it was late by the time I got back from the shops!)

Verdict: A good first day!

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